Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main problems related to Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders?
Some problems related to OMDs are dysfunctions in breathing, sucking, chewing, swallowing and speech, and improper oral position (cheeks, lips, tongue).
Why dysfunctional breathing can be problematic?
Dysfunctional breathing can cause: chest tightness/pain, hyperventilation, headache, rib cage restriction, respiratory muscle tension, stridor (high-pitched, whistling sound when breathing), shortness of breath at rest.
What myofunctional therapy helps with?
It helps facilitate proper breathing, chewing, and swallowing. It also helps with bad habits like nail-biting, thumbsucking, and tongue thrusting.
What can cause mouth breathing?
Some of the cause of my breathing are: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, enlarged adenoids; enlarged tonsils; weakness or low tone of facial muscles.
Does breathing training help with anxiety?
Chronic hyperventilation is often a contributory factor with panic attacks, agoraphobia, and anxiety. Breathing rehabilitation aims to normalize breathing volume which helps with anxiety and panic disorders,
Can breathing rehabilitation help with asthma?
The Buteyko Method has been backed by 19 published clinical studies as an alternative treatment for asthma. All studies report significantly reduction in symptoms like breathlessness coughing, wheezing, as well as reductions in the need for asthma medication.
Why do you do breathlessness test?
It is used as a simple objective measure of chemosensitivity to carbon dioxide. In other words, it tell us how sensitive your body is to the accumulation of CO2 in the blood.
Is the rehabilitation painful?
Myofunctional and breathing therapies are painless and the exercises are relatively simple.
Can snoring lead to sleep apnea?
Yes. The muscles of the mouth and throat become larger due to constant vibration caused by snoring. Sleep apnea is a common (often undiagnosed and untreated) serious sleep disorder that causes cessation of breathing during sleep. Breathing rehabilitation can significantly reduce symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea.
Can frequent headaches, fatigue and sleepiness be associated with dysfunctional breathing?
Individuals who mouth breathe during the day, often have their mouth open at night (and the other way around). When sleeping with the mouth open, a person may have restless sleep, experience snoring and sleep apnea, headaches, sleepiness, fatigue, thirst upon waking up, and decreased oxygen saturation in the blood.
Can mouth breathing be bad for my child?
Mouth breathing is extremely detrimental to the development of the upper airways, face and jaw. It results in abnormal facial features and smaller airways in adulthood. When child mouth-breathes, the brain receives insufficient oxygen which directly impacts cognitive ability, learning and behavior of the child.
Can your programs improve my child's speech?
Children who breathe through an open mouth develop changes in the way the muscles of the lips, tongue and cheeks work. This can negatively affect essential functions like chewing, swallowing and speech. It also causes speech disorders including lisps, the inability to pronounce certain sounds and immature auditory processing. Myofunctional therapy and breathing rehabilitation improve speech and auditory processing.
What academic performance has to do with mouth breathing?
It has been shown that children with excessive day time sleepiness appear to have almost 10 times the risk of learning difficulties. Day time sleepiness is directly linked to dysfunctional breathing. Mouth breathers show cognitive impairment as well as attention difficulties. Mouth breathing effects: memory, concentration, focus, sensorimotor integration, perception.
Is a payment plan available?
Yes. Please get in touch directly to discuss payment plan options.